Shipping and return policies for Carcharodon

Shipping Info
Standard shipping methods are used to guarantee best shipping prices. Shipping price includes handling and packaging cost. Orders ship within 7 working days.

Tracked shipping is used ONLY upon request.

Delivery times:
Italy: from 2 to 7 days (after the first working day after shipping)
Europe: from 7 days to 3 weeks (after the first working day after shipping)
Outside Europe: from 3 weeks up to 1 month (after the first working day after shipping)
Return Policy
Return Policy:
We do not accept returns if the ordered CDs / cassettes arrive in good conditions. We accept them only if the goods are damaged because of our fault. If the shipping causes any damages to the items, it's not our fault. We provide to use packaging that prevents from dents, cracks, etc...

ATTENTION: we DO NOT give refunds if the packaging gets lost. PayPal may be useful for a refund in that case.